Just got off reading "Wings of fire: An Autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam". The book has changed the way I perceive state-owned and public sector organizations. I have had the pleasure of interacting with talented people from these companies, including my father. There's a flood of talent in these companies, however as Dr. Kalam also reflected, the organization culture does not align well with execution. It needs transformation.
The book provides an excellent insight in to how India, a nation marred with two centuries of subjugation, rose up the ranks to join the elite lead of countries who do indigenous space, atomic and missile technologies.
There's another point Dr. Kalam makes - do not run behind money, lead a working life without thinking about fancy rewards. It's difficult in today's economies and social circles to follow this, however he's absolutely right. In order to lead a harmonious life, simplicity is the key.
Great book, highly recommended for any one who wants to know what it means to start from scratch and still be able to write their names in the sky.